
About Property
Features and services of Fairy Land Hotel Guests can use the free wireless access point to the Internet. There are rooms for non-smokers at the hotel. The reception works 24 hours. The garden beautifies the territory. The staff will arrange food and drinks delivery in a room on demand. You can pay for services using these types of bank cards: American Express, Visa, Mastercard. Accommodation staff is fluent in English. A few words about accommodation For you are available 2 rooms in the hotel. The following categories of rooms are available for guests: twin, double. Guests can count on such amenities as ironing facilities, free toiletries, flat-screen tv, terrace. Here is a lot of rooms with view. Book Fairy Land Hotel You can book Fairy Land Hotel with the help of our website in just a few clicks. The payment of the reservation is carried out without fees and additional payments.
Check-In/Out Time | 00:00:00 PM,00:00:00 PM |
Cancellation | Free |
Internet | Yes |
Restaurant | Yes |
Security | Guarded Complex |